New Kitchen, New Habits – So Fantastic

Being the proud owner of a nearly brand new kitchen, it’s obviously been uppermost in my mind to keep it sparkling clean and ultra junk free.  I am not naturally a tidy person and it can be a dreadful sttruggle to keep the amount of junk mail and piles of cack at bay.  I thought I’d cracked this by changing the design of the kitchen completely, removing the dust and dirt collecting possibilities with smooth curves on the cabinet doors.  I’ve also changed where the ovens ajnd fridge are situated swo there’ no work top, i.e. junk stand.  The work top is now cleared every night and I clean the whole area with eco cleaning spray and don’t wander off up to bed until the sink and all surfaces are immaculately shiny and inviting.  It’s such a joy to come down in the morning to this gorgeousness!

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